1 Samuel 13: 1-22
Fear of becoming Sinner - As the king of Israel who led his country, Saul has the power, the army and the people who support it. One time in a war Israel pressed by the Philistines. People's panic, fear and run leaving Saul hid their leader. Saul tried to wait for the arrival of Samuel for help from God with burnt offerings and safety. But after waiting for seven days turned out to Samuel did not come as well. Saul impatient and ventured to take over the task of Samuel to offer burnt offerings to God, even though he knew that the act he was doing was a violation of God's word. Saul disobeyed what is delivered by Samuel that the king as the leader and the people should fear God and obey the word of God.
Desperate condition because of the Philistine army attack Saul used as an excuse to disobey. Are not we sometimes also like Saul who makes the situation or circumstances as the reason of necessity to disobey the word of God. Like Saul can not wait for Samuel, we also sometimes impatient to wait for God's help and answers in our struggle. We want as soon as possible to solve the problem by finding a way out without questioning whether it violates the Word of God or not, the important issue is completed. Even sometimes we rely on the power of the dark to resolve the problem as quickly as possible.
As disciples of Christ, obedience to God and His word absolute nature. Therefore, we must learn to obey every time without looking for excuses that make us feel natural to violate the word of God. Be careful, because the devil is always trying to make us do not obey the word of God.
Inspiration: Fear can be a gateway to sin.
Moment of Inspiration.
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