2 Chronicles 16: 1-14
Past Is The Future Capital - Successes and failures in various levels is a reasonable reality in human life. Our attitude in the face of those two things that will determine the quality of our lives. Attitude itself is a reflection of our heart's content that depend on yourself, the situation, or to God.
King Asa king of Judah, known as third-righteous. With thanks to the miracle of God, a million Ethiopian army defeated by 300 thousand soldiers (14 ps). It is suskses well as a great spiritual experience, but it is not yet completed. Consistency Asa faith is tested when Israel attacked him, and he failed. In the era of his father, which is not as strong as Etiopiapun Israel defeated, and is currently Asa actually seeking protection of human / Ben Hadad king of Aram and not seek God. God rebuked by the prophet Hanani (paragraph 7), because it hurts his heart (cf. Jeremiah 17: 5) and be a dark record of Asa. Unfortunately Asa actually offended and imprison Hanani. Later on he got the discipline of the Lord to battle (v 9), and died of severe pain (v 12) by not seeking the Lord.
The lesson for us is, not how many times or how big our success in the past, but how do we consistently rely on God for every test of faith that definitely keep coming until we die. Past success could backfire if we are wrong to react. Should it be the capital of the faith to believe in the sovereignty of God for the things that are bigger and heavier. The omnipotence of God is always available to us is that we are increasingly glorify Him for the plan and His will for us definitely the best thing. How wonderful live day to day in miracles and the power of God.
Inspiration: Whatever the problem and the situation we are well in the lead and facing daily life, the power of God never changes.
Moment of Inspiration.
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