Hating = Killing

"Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer ..."

1 John 3: 11-18

Hating = Killing - We can not say that we loved God, but we still had hatred toward our neighbor. One characteristic of a person whose heart is clean is out of his heart will flow rivers of living. Since we believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Wherever streams flow, there appeared life, meaning that a person whose heart is clean, everywhere he goes people will feel the water of life. Others are exhausted would eagerly return because there is a flow of people's living water. Wherever it is going, there is freshness in people who hear it.

That makes our hearts is hatred. "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer has eternal life in him" (1 John 3: 15). If we hate our neighbor, we are the same as the killer. In our lives will not be separated from the friction, anywhere. We experienced unpleasant events anywhere. Only when he died, there was no more friction. The problem is when we experience friction and wounds our hearts, what is our response? Only the dead are no longer offended. If we rub with others, we feel angry and hurt, but quickly resolved, so that our hearts remain clean. The issue of pardon is not able or not able, but willing or unwilling. We are born with the seed of sin, the human tendency does not want to forgive. But there is a Holy Spirit in us, which would provide the ability to forgive.

Inspiration: Let the love of God flowing in our lives all the time.

Moment of Inspiration.

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