James 2: 14-26
Accompanied faith Deeds - Because arthritis suffered. Roger is no longer able to face the winter in Illinois so he moved to Bangkok, Thailand, tropical climates. One day he remembered a favorite song of his grandmother, What You Are (attitude yourself): The attitude you speak more loudly that people do not hear what you say, they see the way you live, not to hear you say that is judged is your behavior every day.
The song is inspired Roger to feed the homeless living on the street along almost 1 km. Every morning, it provides a warm breakfast for more than 45 families. Several years later, one of the homeless women accepted Christ as his Savior and look for Roger to thank for introducing the love of Christ.
In the book of James, clearly says that faith without works is dead ('17). That does not mean that the act would produce faith, but a good deed will strengthen the evidence that our faith is the true faith. It is easy to say that we believe in God, but only our actions that can prove the truth of what we say. Abraham is an example of that. He did not just talk about his faith, he showed his faith by his willingness to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God
(James 2: 21-24; Genesis 22: 1-8). Today, how can we actively show our love to God and trust Him?
Inspiration: Faith strengthens us to move, to give bread to the hungry. Faith is more than just teaching, because faith without works is dead.
Moment if Inspiration
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