Brethren, I do not consider myself to have apprehended, but this is what I do: I forget what is behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead. (Philippians 3:13)
Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 40
Susan neglected because parents are divorced. Since childhood he often abused gardener grandmother. He does not remember losing her virginity. Since junior high school she had undergone promiscuity and drug use. Three times he tried to commit suicide. Until a doctor reminded him of Jesus he had heard as a child. Susan repent and return to Christ. No matter how dark the past, Susan learned holy life for Christ and serve Him. God grant him her husband and two children were good.
The Apostle Paul also has a dark past. He was proud as a persecutor of the church, even he is the mastermind behind the death of Stephen. Their knowledge of Christ changed everything. What he once proud, now he considered junk because of Christ. Paul had left his past and live in the Lord's call to be an apostle to the Gentiles.
Forget the past does not mean loss of memory, but we do not make the past a stumbling block in our lives. No matter how dark our past, as long as we are willing to repent and live for Christ, we will have a meaningful life. The most important thing is, do we want to leave the sins of the past and begin a new chapter together with Christ? God does not want us to feel guilty prolonged because He has forgiven us. God wants us to live for Him and do His will every day. Start from today. -vt
No matter how dark our past, God give a new chapter to live for Him.
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