When God Acts

Readings: numbers 13:1-33
But the people who go there together with him, said: "we can not forward attacked the people, because they are stronger than us." (Numbers 13:31)

A year's readings: Matthew 13:14-

When God Acts - It's been 4 years our Church rented the House for the postal service and Learning Center in a region. When the contract ran out, the owners intend to sell the House. He gave us two options: buy a house or rent another home--which is difficult to be found in the area. We hope to buy it, but supplies the funds we didn't even reach 10 percent of the home price. The Trustees are to pray and take a step of faith House was bought, and then pass to the Church. Praise the Lord, less than two weeks, the funds accumulated in excess that we need.

Ten of the 12 spies Israel argue that they should not enter Canaan. After 40 days of reconnaissance, they've been able to map out the enemy force: there is a fortified cities, armies, and human-human giant. "We definitely lose! Don't fight them! "the knot them. It is very debilitating and intimidate the nation of Israel. Yes, by relying on its own strength, they will surely lose. Thankfully two other Scouts Joshua and Caleb still believe firmly in God, who has promised to hand over the land. God allowed them entering Canaan and testified that it was God who fought for them. For example, they just need to surround Jericho for 7 days, and the fortress of the city collapsed.

Everything does not depend on our power. Our part is a step of faith, and we will be fascinated when I saw Him Act. HT


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