And the Lord said, "Because this people draw near with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me, and worship Me merely human commands memorized. (Isaiah 29:13)
A year Bible reading:
Joshua 1-3
Lip-Sync - Lately, the musical groups from South Korea loved by young people. Unfortunately, some of the music group singers caught lip-synching on stage. Lip-sync is one of attitude as actually sang with moving lips, but songs that sound played with tape or other media. The rise of this trick is very embarrassing for the government of South Korea because it is considered fraud. The local government and make laws Performance Act Amendment, which prohibits the singer lip-synching in commercial work. Violations of these laws subject to imprisonment for one year and a fine of 10 million won.
Tricks and lip-sync habits can we pair it with the behavior of the Israelites in today's reading. They come to God in worship, prayer, and praise lively, but their hearts did not serve him, even disobey Him. They felt that religious ceremonies and traditions taught their leaders can replace obedience to God and His word. However, God loudly declare the action as falsehood.
When contemplating this, I was often dishonest when worship Him. My mouth moves vigorously sang songs of praise to Him, I prayed and listened to his words, but my heart was not directed to him. For God, the splendor anything from worship me, it just vanity if I do not do it with an honest heart. -SYS
Unconformity between the acts of worship and the attitude of the heart is a falsehood in the sight of God.
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