"Song of pilgrimage. I lifted up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall come my help? "Psalm 121: 1
Who source your help? - Everyone would have experienced problems, and generally every human being has a "basic formula" to resolve the problems occurred. In business, capital, relationships and innovation and creativity can become a strong foothold. In medical terms, medical science is also the answer to humans. It is not wrong, but we must rely on God completely. Without degrading all human potential that exists, the real Word of God teaches us something fundamental, which must be addressed with humility and hard work.
Source of help: Whatever our problems, there is a first aid and primary source (vv 1-2) because He is the Creator of the universe that is sovereign and omnipotent, God in Jesus' name.
The nature of aid: our God is a God who cares and always alert, not the creator of the off hand (vv 3-5). He never leaves us and always participate in His omnipresence as our keepers. His range is not limited help.
But verily God is always ready to help and provide resources that we need, if we are obedient and faithful to receive answers / help his hard work. Giving priority to the Lord before all humane solution is the right attitude and fundamental to enjoy the wisdom and greatness of His power.
Inspiration: Start early with the Lord, always be a means of spiritual growth that is important for us to live in every issue.
Moment of Inspiration.
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