"Jehu, son of Nimshi, chosen king shall be king over Israel, and Elisha son of Shaphat, of Abel-meholah, to be chosen king as prophet." (I Kings 19:16)
Not Finished - Have we feel in our lives that everything is over and over? The great figures of the Old Testament ever experienced. Elijah, the great prophet Moses appeared together in the event of the Transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, once under pressure soul so heavy that he wanted to die. And it would occur after the resounding victory on Mount Carmel, in which God reveals himself as the true and living God, and Elijah was a prophet who truly He sent. King Ahab and the people of Israel, who was caught up in the worship of Baal have to admit that after watching the dramatic events of the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering.
But when Jezebel, Ahab's wife, threatened to kill him, Elijah became afraid. Elijah apparently felt that it was over. The nation of Israel had left God, killed His prophets, Elijah only surviving alone and they want to kill Elijah (verse 10). It looks like the fight is over, and Elijah had to give up.
But, it turns out that's not true. We know that Elijah did not die at the hands of Jezebel. God also did not answer Elijah's desire revoked his life alone. Instead, with great tenderness and love, the Lord restored and Elijah aware that all is not over. God has not finished with the plan. And God continues to have resources to fulfill the plan. Hazael, Jehu, Elisha, and seven thousand in Israel (verses 15-18) is the resources that God raised just in time, to fulfill His plan.
Whether we're in a situation where it seems like all is over and over? Remember, God is not finished with the life and ministry that was entrusted to us. And that means always available resources to fulfill the plan.
Inspiration: Because God is not finished, so let's continue to move forward with Him!
Moment of Inspiration.
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