Keep Serving Him

Read Jeremiah 43: 1-7

Then they went on to Egypt, because they did not want to obey the Lord. Then came to Tahpanhes. (Jeremiah 43: 7)

Reading the Bible in a Year:
Exodus 17-19

Keep Serving Him - Working in a convenient place certainly happier than being in the less we like. Unfortunately, we are not always to be where we want and it can let us down. This condition then affects our attitude to work and serve. Do we remain happy and work faithfully albeit less convenient place?

Jeremiah never experienced it. At that time, the people of Israel remained in Jerusalem suffered great pressure. Unfortunately, they do not seek the help of God and believe in some of the leaders who have no vision and who will not listen to the voice of God. On the orders of the Lord, Jeremiah appeared and tried to stop them not to seek help from Egypt. But the news was in vain and that nation actually considers a prophet was lying. They are angry and charming Jeremiah to go with them. It was a smothering experience for Jeremiah. Because of captivity, he was forced to come to Egypt so that his life is threatened. Yes, according to the prophetic word of God, war, hunger and sickness will strike them in Egypt (42:22). Yet, he remained loyal to convey the voice of God to the people obstinate.

In life, we are not always at the place we want. Although it seems heavy, let it be our commitment and loyalty to serve him has not changed. God, the source of grace, will bestow His strength, enabling us. -SYS
Hardship test our faithfulness, grace of God enable us to deal with it.

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