Peace or Sword

Matthew 2:16-18

Don't you think that I came to bring peace on the Earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Matthew 10:34)

Peace or Sword - Christmas is generally identified with the peace. However, the reality is that true? The birth of Jesus is causing a lot of innocent babies slaughtered by Herod. The Lord Jesus once said, He did not come to bring peace, but a sword. So, Christmas was actually bring peace or instead "the sword"? Both of them!

First, Christmas brings peace for believers because to bring salvation, but "the sword" for people who do not believe for the wages of sin is death.

Second, the peace progress in the middle of "the sword". Peace does not mean no war, problems, or suffering, but rather the presence of God, the source of peace.

Third, the "swords" bring peace. There is peace in our hearts because of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus who willingly became a man and died crucified; The Gospel came to us because there are people who are willing to sacrifice themselves, even die as a martyr, to spread it.

Fourth, we need a "sword" to understand the true peace; the sword that pierced our souls and unload all our filthiness; the sword that forced us out of our comfort zone to get a better quality of life. If we believe in him, each "sword" that He let the piercing of the heart we will carve out his peace in our lives.

If we missed getting a true peace? Only the Lord Jesus who can give it. If we have him, no matter what happens it will not be able to seize the peace of our hearts. -RRN


The Lantern's Soul.

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