Matthew 2:16-18
When Herod knew that he had been deceived by the Magi, he was very angry. He then killed all the children in Bethlehem and its vicinity, namely children aged two years and under, in accordance with the time can he knew of the Magi. (Matthew 2:16)
Celebrate Christmas, Serving Jesus - In the world of politics, one of the things that are considered quite disturbing is feeling threatened. Moreover, those who were on the throne of power, very uncomfortable when there are other forces that are attempting to compete with or usurp his position. The Libyan President Moamar Kadafi, Egypt's President Mubarak, Ben Ali was the ruler of Tunisia, felt very hard down from his throne, after decades in power.
There are also volatile in Herod's heart? Must have! The mind and heart are certainly very chaotic. He was supposed to be grateful because the Savior came to save sinners, including himself. But alas, the sheen of power make it glare towards everything. The eyes of the blind heart anything about feel deceived by the Magi. Is it so? Is not God himself who brought the stars to take the other way? So actually he deceived by Satan. Where piety Herod? There is nothing at all. For him, the more valuable than the lives of human beings. For the sake of Office, she dares to snuff out all the small children aged two years and under. It is not strange if people often said, "the politics of it
evil! "But in the world of politics, there are still people who want to live right and maintain integrity.
Have we pray that leaders realize that Office or authority entrusted on them is not a function of the position? When the Christmas moment arrived, everyone should understand and accept Christ as his Savior and Lord in person. If he was a King, a President, or any great leader, he is the man of sin who need Christ. Power or position will all be abandoned
When our Lord Jesus Christ we pick up again (cf. John 14:1-3). The Office is not to glorify themselves but to worship God.
Inspiration: power is the gift of God which must be accountable to the Lord himself. The right of a ruler definitely serve and glorify God.
Moment of Inspiration.
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