Joshua 2: 1-7
God's Grace - Rahab was a female prostitute in Jericho. Standards of any religion, Rahab is not very feasible to obtain the gift of salvation. But God saved him because he has a risky act of faith that helped the spies were released Joshua when the Israelites spied on Jericho (Hebrews 11: 31).
How Rahab declared his faith? First, he knows, the Lord handed over Jericho and the land of Canaan to the Israelites (Joshua 2: 9) and horror for the population. Secondly, he heard that it was God who led the Israelites across the Red Sea and beat the kings of the Amorites (Joshua 2: 10). News of victory had been heard by the nations living in Canaan, and they became afraid and trembling. Third, it recognizes that the Lord, the God of Israel is God in heaven above and on earth below (Joshua 2: 11).
Rahab could have such a true recognition of hearing and believing God's miraculous deeds to the people of Israel, when passing through the wilderness. God's help was not only in the desert, but the flow from time to time. And his saving work reached the peak when God comes through Jesus Christ (John 3: 16). Therefore, open your ears and listen to every word of his. Believe with all your heart, do not waver or close the doors of grace that comes from God. Learn from Rahab who kindly opened the door, so that God's grace poured out upon it. God's grace comes also to you if you open the door of the heart today and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Inspiration: If the grace of God comes to you, do not close the door of the heart. When you close the door of the heart, the door of grace will be closed to you.
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