The Victory Guarantees

Isaiah 41:10

Fear not, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will confirm, it will even help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand that brought victory.

The Victory Guarantees - The next guarantee written by the prophet Isaiah in our reading today is the last part of the paragraph above. It is said that God will hold us by His right hand that brought victory. Often we are afraid because they do not have a guaranteed victory. When David heard Goliath insult to all Israeli soldiers, including King Saul did not see a guarantee of victory that comes from God, but David did not just see even believing that guarantee.

When Joshua received a command from God to surround the fort Jerikho and believe in the victory of his bail. Joshua does not care how to fight, because if the note invasion Jerikho is a strange way of fighting, just surround swivel wall Jerikho once a day, on the seventh day spin seven times. When Gideon took 32 thousand soldiers to fight the Midianites, the Lord asks reduced to only 300 people live alone, and sure to win it is a guarantee of God. To enjoy this guarantee there are conditions, the conditions are that after studying "Obey", "Ready to test" then had to learn to "Patience" waiting for God's time. When Saul can not wait for Samuel in Gilgal, so he burned the offering, then at that time the Lord had rejected him as king (1 Samuel 13)

Motivation: Assurance of God's victory was certain, therefore do not be afraid to enter this new year, the right hand of God that brought victory that always holds us.

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