Let's Count

Today's readings: Psalm 40:1-6
Thou has been doin ' my God, my God, your magical and you mean to us. ... too large to be counted. (Psalm 40:6)

Let's Count - That morning was a bright morning. When I look out, a beautiful view of the Moselle. Overnight rains have made the trees seem fresh. The warm sunlight as if giving spirit that this is a new day to living with joy. All of that made me be just how the number of things that we should be thankful for in this life, including rain watered the Earth, bright, sunlight and fresh air that we breathe free!

In this Psalm 40, David invites us to ponder how the abundance of God's marvelous deeds in our lives, that if we want to calculate it, is definitely too large in number. The works of salvation that includes the justification and sanctification of the us, the maintenance of our faith, protection and relief in their distresses, force face the temptation of physical fulfillment, we service opportunities, which He opened, and so on. The list must be very long! The question is, when was the last time we count them?

Last month the 2012 this is the great opportunity for us to look back at all the 11 months we've passed, look back at the works of God that which we have been experiencing. Let's count them, and said to him: "thank you for all this." We know that all the deeds of God driven by his love on us. and should we give thanks for all that.

The lyrics of the song Count Your Blessing Garland Johnson Oatman translated under the title When the Typhoon struck the Hard Life has the refrain that drive us: the blessing of God, let's calculate, you're right amazed by his love. Thanks to the Lord, let's calculate, you're undoubtedly wowed by his love.

Inspiration: count the blessings God will arouse our admiration and gratitude in his love!

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