Soul that yearns for God

"As the deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul is thirsty for God, for the living God ... "

Psalm 42

Soul that yearns for God - This praise sung as teaching for the nation of Israel as God's chosen people to remind them to continue to have hope and holds the promise of God in the midst of trouble and stress being experienced. This praise is always sung by the sons of Korah when the Israelites gathered in worship to God. Ode and through this we are also reminded that:

My soul longs for God: if psalmist declares that his soul longed for God then there is nothing else that can distract him aside to meet with God. The presence of God is the only desire that can be replaced by the entire contents of the world. This is not only meant for the psalmist, but also for all people all over the world. Meeting with Allah to be the only longing of every soul. They will not find it in addition to meet Jesus.

My soul is thirsty for God, the psalmist also stated that his soul be satisfied when God fills and fills it. Described as the water that quenches thirst deer. Water is always needed and provide relief and satisfaction after entry into the body. Likewise, God will give you satisfaction if the master and lead the life of a person. While many people try to seek the will of God and to please God, but they do not yet know who the true God who has come to see humans. Their souls will never be satisfied by other gods besides Jesus. They thirst to Jesus they need Jesus to come into his heart and lead his life.

Inspirations: Jesus is present and wants to get into the heart of every person.

Moment of Inspiration.

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