Embrace The Rescue

Reading: Romans 15: 1-13

Year: Genesis 16-18

Nats: We who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves (Romans 15: 1)

Embrace The Rescue - Jackie Robinson was the first African-American who played in Major League Baseball. He was asked by Rickey, president Broklyn to play at Dodger Dodger. Rickey knew his decision would make white people angry. It was still no separation between blacks and whites.

When Jackie started to join, he suffered humiliation and rejection. In a match he was asked to leave by the audience. They say baseball is only for white people. Rickey - a white man - responded to the incident in an extraordinary way. He stood next to Jackie and the warm embrace that the audience was silent. Jackie so excited to play brilliantly. Jackie finally has won several awards during his career. "Hands and embrace" Rickey save Jackie baseball career.

The Apostle Paul gives advice for people who bear the weak for the sake of good to build (vv. 1-2) and that they accept each other as Christ has accepted us (v. 7). The book of Hebrews exhort us to strengthen the weak hands and knees were wobbly (Heb. 12:12).

Perhaps today there are friends who are powerless because of insults and rejection. Do not close your eyes, let's embrace and strengthen it so that he rose from adversity and achieve maximum potential. If today we are in a weak position, and wait for the Lord embraces us in His way. --Lim Ivenina Natasya / Daily Devotional
You can embrace encouragement to perform brilliantly.

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