1 Samuel 16: 4-14
God Looking Forward - David is no different with a Jewish boy his age. Scripture only says florid, beautiful eyes and beautiful in appearance. Even so the outward appearance of David does not seem to make it special. Because he was not more than a shepherd, still very young, and living in the small village of Bethlehem. That was David. Little did David know that his life will never be the same again because David is determined to occupy the throne of Israel.
When the Lord has set, it will probably happen tomorrow, next month, next year, or several years later. Lord knows exactly where He is taking us. Our task is devout, life in intimate fellowship. In the process, God include us in His eternal plan.
Samuel did what the Lord has said ('4). They stand around in front of Samuel. When Eliab entrance, Samuel thought this is the Lord's anointed, it was not until the son of Jesse 7th none were chosen. Until then the Lord said: "Do not view his face or tall stature, because I have rejected it. The human eye sees not seen God; Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. "('7).
Samuel with God's help, now has the correct perspective. Nothing will stop him chasing people the Lord has chosen. That vision with God's help, finally demonstrated Samuel at the right time. David, who does not understand anything, when returning home, Samuel whispered in his ear: "You will be the next king."
Inspiration: Do not be discouraged when we are forgotten, because God still has a wonderful plan for us, God always remembers His promise.
Moment of Inspiration.
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