How Expensive Ourselves?

Matthew 5: 13-16

"You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? There is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. "(Matthew 5: 1)

How Expensive Ourselves? - There are 3 bottles of drinks produced in the same factory. That morning three bottles put into a truck to be delivered to various places. The truck stopped at a local market. The first bottles were then sold at Rp 5,000, -. Truck continued on his way back to take the second bottle is in a shopping center in the city center. By the shop assistant, the bottle is sold at Rp 9,000, -. Truck arrived at the last stop is at a five-star hotel. By a hotel maid, drinks on the bottle is poured in a crystal glass filled with chunks of ice. People who enjoyed it was not concerned about how much it costs. But when the memorandum was given, in writing that the price of drinks was Rp 50.000, -.

Drinks in bottles have the same quality, same taste, delivered by the same truck, and produced by the same factory. Then why the price of three bottles of the drink differently? Environment where the bottles were, reflecting a price. When the bottles are in a good environment and quality, the price is better.

Environment reflects a relationship / relationship. Environment can affect our quality of life. When we are in a bad neighborhood, then the environment will isolate us. If we are in a good environment, then the environment will help remove all the good in us.

Mix with people who are good. Build a relationship based on love. Before we did the relationship go out with other people, first let's fix our relationship with God.

Inspiration: When we associate with God, then we will have a different quality of life with the world.

Moment of Inspiration.

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