God Saw Deeper

Reading I Samuel 16: 1-13

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not view his face or tall stature, for I have rejected it. Not seen as man sees; Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. "(I Samuel 16: 7)

In daily life, we often see that many people who judge things superficially, judge things from the outside and does not look much deeper. That's what happened to Jesse's sons before Samuel. Appearance, good looks, can often deceive the real situation. Samuel's caliber people can make mistakes like this, let alone us.

Some time ago our second child had to be hospitalized. Experienced vomiting until the evening, we were afraid of dehydration, so we took him to a nearby hospital. Because the day of Eid, many doctors who want a holiday at the time. A specialist in internal medicine who examined first give him a diagnosis of acute stomach ulcers, so it should be treated, because the doctor the next day is a holiday, the night came another physician with different diagnoses, mentioned that our children develop inflammation in the pancreas.

Two days later another doctor examine and give another diagnosis, said there intestine wrapped around so that required surgery, only 2 times check the doctor authorizes the doctor another friend. Doctor to four with massaging the child's abdomen we say that he had his appendectomy, because according to his diagnosis of our children sick with appendicitis. After much consultation with doctor friends, we agreed not to do surgery. And it turns out we only sick children in his pancreas inflammation. This new physical problems, the specialists give different assessments, especially about liver. We will certainly find it difficult to determine a person's heart.

Inspiration: The Lord look deeper, because it's in the works, friends, choosing a life partner, build relationships, always ask the leadership of God, for only He is able to help.

Moment of Inspiration.

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