Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23)
Reading the Bible in a Year:
John 11-12
The heart is something that is very important and we need to keep seriously in this life. Why? For, if the heart is not awake, appeared thirteen potentially result in very terrible crime. A large number and may escape our attention.
In his teaching about the customs and the things which defile, Jesus asserts, is not what goes into the body, but what comes out of the heart, that is what should get serious attention.
What comes out of the heart in the form of thirteen types of crimes mentioned in Mark 7: 21-22-can defile us before God. That is why the warning is written in Proverbs becomes very important. We need to learn to actively keep the heart to be freed from all kinds of crimes that stems from the heart. The phrase "Keep your heart with all diligence" suggests that keep the heart is our responsibility. Of course the Holy Spirit helps us, but we need to respond by actively keeping the heart of everything that can pollute and defile it.
Let's learn to actively keep the heart, like a goalkeeper who is ready working hard in order to avoid conceding a goal. Do not neglect that thirteen evil seeds that do not grow, let alone to bear fruit into various negative actions. Remember, keep the heart is our responsibility, not anyone else! Let's learn to keep the heart with a cautious attitude, so that our lives for the life drain sesame.-GHJ
Hearts are not guarded like a goal without a goalkeeper, which will be easily broken by the enemy.
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