Never Wrong Answers

Reading Today: Matthew 7: 7-11
Is there any one of you were to give a stone to his son, if he asked for bread, or give him a serpent if he asks for a fish? (Matthew 7: 11a)

Never Wrong Answers - I'm sms's with a student who I serve, then no reply sms when he is wrong. I ask him. Apparently when he was sms's with me, he also sms's with friends. So, the answer sms that should he send to me, instead he sent to his friend. And I received the answer that he should send to friends.

Humans can go wrong answer, either answering text messages, questions, requests, or other things. And it is because limitations. Humans are limited in resources, knowledge, memory, ability and many other limitations.

When we pray for something to God, is there any chance he wrong in answering our prayers? Naturally we will immediately say: No way! We believe that in a perfect love and wisdom, He never wrong answer every prayer. But, when what we ask is not given by God, do we still believe that he is not being wrong answer?

It granting prayer written in Matthew 7: 7-11 gives an interesting comparison between earthly father with the heavenly Father. Earthly fathers are sinful and finite in all respects only know to give good gifts to their children, let alone our heavenly Father holy, perfect and unlimited.

So, even when he does not give us what we ask anything. He is not being wrong answer. Because He never gave a stone if we ask for bread, it could be what we are asking for is a stone instead of bread. And in His goodness, He does not want to give us a stone, but instead, he gave the bread. Do we trust his goodness?

Inspiration We could one ask for in prayer, but God is never wrong answer!

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