"Blessed are you among women and blessed fruit of your womb. Who am I that the mother of my Lord should come to me? (Luke 1: 42-43)
Do Not Envy - Zacharias, a priest and his wife Elizabeth is someone descendants of Levi. They are not only good in front of men but the Bible organize their lives 'right before God' (Lk. 1: 6). Unlike the religious leaders are often mentioned Jesus as "hypocrites". They are old and have no children. At that time, according to Jewish culture not having children means not getting the blessing of God. Until finally an angel told Zacharias that Elisabeth would bear a child who would prepare the way for the Lord (v. 15 to 17.76). The content Elisabet been about 6 months when the angel delivered the news that Mary would conceive and give birth to the Messiah (ay.36). Visit his brother, Maria, Elizabeth. As a fellow woman I'm sure he wanted to tell Elizabeth the major events he experienced. Interestingly, when Maria dating elisabet welcome greeting of Mary with "Who am I that the mother of my Lord come to me?"
Elisabet itself pregnant with a child that he was waiting for a long time, and certainly Zakaria has stated that their child will later become a 'big' because through it many people will turn to God. He could have been jealous because the child will be born of Mary is much 'larger' than his son. Moreover, he is a respected wife of a priest, as well as more senior anyway. But Elizabeth rejoiced along with Maria because of what God did to Mary.
Did you ever envy a man used by God in a special way? Rejoice with him is one of the ways that are not easily jealous.
Motivation: God chooses and wear each according to his purpose. So no need to envy, or want to be like everyone else. Each person has a portion of each.
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