...... For whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6: 7b)
What You Sow - Often we hear that what we sow so shall we reap in the future. Let us follow along with the following true story that would illustrate that truth. There was a poor boy. He was very hungry, but do not have the money. He decided to knock on a door to ask for food. But courage disappeared when the door was opened by a young girl. He does not ask for food, he only asked for a glass of water. The girl knew the boy must be hungry, so he brought a large glass of milk. "What the price of a glass of milk? "Asked the boy" Mother taught us, do not ask for payment for our good deeds. "Replied the young girl. "I thank you from the deepest heart! "Replied the boy. A few years later the girl grows into a mature woman and experiencing chronic pain .. Doctor in the small town of hands. He was taken to the big city, where there are specialists. Doctor Howard Kelly was called in for examination. Upon hearing the name of the woman's hometown, occurred strange light in the eyes of the doctor. He rushed down from his office on the top floor toward the ladies room. In a medical bandage white shirt, he immediately recognized her it.After through a long struggle, the woman eventually be cured. The woman received a hospital bill envelope in fear. He will not be able to pay, even though the installments lifetime. With trembling hands, she opened the envelope and found a note on the bill corner ... "Paid in full with one glass of milk" Signed, Dr.Howard Kelly. Who is Dr. Howard Kelly, he was a poor boy who never helped her. (History Dr. Howard Kelly)
Inspiration: If we do good, the good of which we will receive in the end. So do not grow weary in doing good. (WS)
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