Luke 5: 12-15
Touching Lives - In the fast-paced modern life, paced rush to finish a lot of the agenda, we are faced with the fact that many of those around us in need of attention. Many things we can make reason not to care, but Jesus set the example for us about the concern and what the real purpose of life.
Jesus was very busy the coming kingdom of God, when he arrived in a city of a leper begging for mercy to be healed. Very interesting Jesus' response to a sick person, He touched him and said, "I will, be clean." Leprosy in those days it was not just a disease, but infectious diseases and defile the sick. He suffered not only physical but also the spiritual suffering. He should not worship God as unclean. Jesus could have said "cured" and then going on healing. Jesus is not just saying, he touched the man's body and says "thou clean." He was released from impurity. After the incident, the name of Jesus more and more famous and many people followed him.
We are grateful to hear a colleague who was having a family struggles, open to sharing what is happening with his family. I just heard and finally pray. He can open with my wife and not with others, because we are willing to momentarily stop a few times to hear the struggle. Some friends of my wife is also very openly share their struggles and we give what we can to express our concern. We are grateful to see how the family lives of the people it increasingly grow in the Lord. We learn from the Lord that the concern is service. Service to others is one of God's purpose for our lives. God does not want a life centered on self-interest.
Inspiration: Many people around us have suffered physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Become the hand of God touched their lives is one of the goals of our lives.
Moment of Inspiration.
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