Therefore you shall confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The true prayer, when the confident prayer is powerful and effective. (James 5: 16)
Power of Prayer - On many occasions, we often intercedes for the government, church and even those who are troubled, sick, etc. Usually people who pray have a mistaken notion that our prayers so well and has great power. In the mistaken understanding occurs when we try to explain correctly what the purpose of the prayer of the righteous when confidently in praying is powerful and effective.
What is meant by the right people are those who have been justified in Jesus Christ. We are justified not because it has lived true, but because of faith to believe in Christ that we are justified / chosen as His people (Luke 18: 7; Romans 5: 1). Each of us who truly believe given the power to pray for everyone, including praying for the leaders, the people who are afflicted, ect.
While the definition of "power of prayer" is actually the power of God expressed through the prayers of believers. For that, let us be faithful to pray with faith, we can see the power and miracles of the Lord in every issue of personal, family and even other problems that occur in our country so that the wise leaders in the running of truth and justice.
In the days of Ezra, there we see the action of God that changes the heart of Cyrus, King of Persia, to issue an order to allow the people of God back to Jerusalem (Ezra 1: 1). King Darius who ordered the rebuilding of the temple. Ezra writes that God is changing the attitude of Darius (Ezra 6: 22; bd. Nehemiah 1: 4-6). For that, pray always righteous and do not always look forward to be prayed for by others, because you also have the "power of prayer" when you live right in the Lord.
Inspiration: God will manifest His power through the prayers of the righteous and those who do have power when praying.
Moment of Inspiration.
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