But his servants came near and said to him: "Father, if the prophet told things that are difficult to you, would not you going to do? Especially now, he just said to you: Take a bath and you shall be clean. "(2 Kings 5:13)
Changing The Paradigm - Our reading focuses on the presentation Deity Yahweh God of Israel. Yahweh is God's powerful and sovereign over sickness and sovereign chose a special way in his work. At first Naaman was disappointed with the response to Elisha, "... go Naaman in a huff, saying:" I thought that at least he would come out and stand and call on the name of the Lord, his God, and wave his hand over the spot the disease and with thus cure the skin disease "
Estimated Naaman, Elisha will pray as most people pray and perform rituals such as the doctors or interpreters when treating patients recover. But Naaman must conquer paradigm of logic and to experience the mercy of God. It's not difficult because he had "dared" trust the slave woman, girl captive from Israel ever convey the power of God through Elisha. God is still testing it back through the healing process is done Elisa.
In this life, we usually already have a pattern of thinking that is shaped by experiences, habits, and our environment. But as Christians we must be open to the paradigm developed by God. In the context of everyday life for example, if employees receive a fixed salary, if our lives depended on salary? If there are facilities in various places savings and loan, credit, etc., if it makes us do not pray or limiting the power of God. There are words in a conversation "If we calculate this life with a mathematics course, the real death. But if we believe and strive, then God can do miracles surpassed our minds. Whatever our stand (active income / passive income), but faith must subdue our logic, and hard work in thanksgiving should be an expression of faith. God was able to do all things for our good.
Motivation: Learning from Naaman, let's open with full faith in trusting God's way of working and help us.
Moment of Inspiration.
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