Romans 7: 14-24
Authorization To Change - Did you know that sometimes you yourself are your worst enemy? It was your reaction itself, fear itself, your own shortcomings that caused you to act in ways that are stupid. I then confessed that it really happened to me.
I need to be saved from myself because there are things I do not like about me - things I wish I had done differently, things I want to change. But I can not change, with its own power. I need an external power source. You can not change your own self, you need the power of God. you need someone Savior, who can make the changes that you can not do alone.
God does not waste energy in vain. He does not waste time on things that are not necessary. In other words, if you do not need a Savior, he will not send Jesus. The fact that God sent a Savior mean you need.
The Apostle Paul felt like it was 2,000 years ago. Paul says this in the Bible: ..? "Wretched man I am! Who will me from this body of death? thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. "(Romans 7: 24-25) That. The answer!
You are probably looking for safety in the wrong place, that's why you are frustrated. you're looking for that one thing will give fulfillment and meaning and peace in life. Some of us think that if we could just get married we already experience the fullness, or if we can get a particular job, or a promotion, etc. Brother looking in the wrong place. The answer is not in place. This is not a program or a pill. The answer is a person: Jesus Christ.
Motivation: you were created by God and for God, and until you understand that, life will never make sense.
Moment of Inspiration.
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