World Star

Read: Philippians 2: 1-18

Do everything without complaining ... so you shine among them like stars in the world. (Philippians 2: 14-15)

A year Bible reading:
numbers 14-15

World Star - Portuguese football star, Cristiano Ronaldo, was the surprise in Madrid on January 25, 2015. Real Madrid striker was horrendous fans by posing as a homeless person. The player nicknamed CR7 was playing football with the kids in the Plaza de Callao, in downtown Madrid. People who passed stunned, because he saw a homeless man so adept at playing the ball. However, when the winner of the Ballon d'Or opened disguise, people gathered-including children playing with it-instantly stunned. Ronaldo was soon to give a warm hug to the children and sign their balls.

How much more astonishing what Jesus had done! As the true God, He stripped all the attributes of his divinity, and a real human being by taking the form of a servant. In fact, He willingly gave His life to atone for all the sins that bring death to humans. He was not just playing around and give momentary pleasure for mankind that swept over him; He gave his whole life for us! It's amazing, is not it? Why? For God so loved and appreciated our lives.

What deserves our response to this fact? There's nothing more valuable offerings we can give to him in addition to all our lives. Let's dedicate ourselves, willingly used as His witnesses. So that many sinners recognize and accept Him as Lord and Savior. Would you? -SST
He gives the name above every name, so that the Earth and Heaven worship and confess Jesus is King.

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