Miss Enslaved

Read: numbers 11:4-23

We remembered to the fish that we eat in Egypt by not paying anything, to watermelon, cucumber and leek, onion and garlic. (Numbers 11:5)

One Year Bible Reading:
John 6-8

Miss Enslaved - No one would want to be a slave. Imagine, the slaves have no rights over her life again. He cannot sue his master, not may also refuse the will of his master. Life and death there is in the hands of the Lord. He worked without earned. His reward was just the clothes, eat drink, and shelter. The potluck. Not because the Lord was kind enough, but because of the weak and sick slaves, had no meaning anymore. Truly awful, isn't it?

However, who think, there are people who long for independence to become slaves. Take a look at the attitude of the nation of Israel out of Egypt on a journey towards the promised land. Such a long walk in the desert, the pillar of cloud, pillar of fire, and manna is no longer making them dumbfounded. They complained would be the fate of the "bad" they experienced (v. 1). Yes, life as a slave in Egypt, it seems not bad enough for them. Better in Egypt. It was so good (v. 18). There is abundant food. All can be obtained by not paying anything (v. 5). They forget, it all has to be paid with the drops of sweat and tears.

In the course of following the Lord, trouble and struggle can come in without being invited. Don't ever think that our old lives better. Even if it looks that way, it's a hoax all the evil. All of that will be fruitful. On the contrary, always careful that instill in our new life much better. Though it doesn't look that way, the promise of the Lord is Yes and Amen. Keep walking with him and look forward to the fulfilment of the promise of his. OKS


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