God makes Wonder

, , , He said: "I tell you, this much faith I have not encountered, even in Israel!"

Luke 7: 1-10

God makes Wonder - There are two types of astonishment. Negative surprise is if there is someone who always come to church, but this person is not experiencing renewal in his life, his heart stubborn and did not obey orders. Meanwhile, a positive surprise is when someone is in trouble and pressure, but keep the faith and the faithful worship God. Positive surprise is experienced by Jesus when he saw the officer in Capernaum. How can we make God's wonder is:

Have faith and attitude of the heart that loves and appreciates (Luke 7: 2). As disciples of Christ we must care for the oppressed and the poor. Proverbs 19: 17 says: "Who pity on the poor lends to the Lord, who will repay his good deed".

Have faith and attitude of the heart to the Lord's work. 5b verse says: "... He was the one who bears the construction of our synagogue." Being a voluntary sacrifice and giving to the Lord's work. "... Where there is truth in it will grow peace, and the result of righteousness is quietness and peace for ever. My people will live in a peaceful, serene place to live in .... "(Isaiah 32: 15-17).

Have faith and attitude of heart to believe in the word of God ('7,' 8). The officer did not have the slightest doubt of the Word of God, although the situation is precarious. Usually when in difficult conditions and situations, people tend to forget God because of the pressures that problem. However, as a believer, let us still believe in God, whatever our condition.

Inspiration: Making human amazed at the power of God is a matter of course, but making God wonder is something extraordinary.

Moment of Inspiration.

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