God Can Do Everything Case

"The apostles and brethren in Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God."

Acts 11: 1

God Can Do Everything Case - Not easy to change the cultural custom that has long been held for most people, that's what happened the Jews who believe in Christ. They are not allowed in the house who are not Jews let alone eat together. This happened in the ministry of Peter, where he entered the home of the Gentiles even eat with them. Apostles and brethren in Judea and in Jerusalem still think humans and customs in terms of safety so they asked him to explain what he had done.

Peter preached the principle: first, all he did was on the Holy Spirit. Second, God requires that all tribes gained the love and forgiveness of God. Jews think selfishly that love and forgiveness of God just for them. Third, Peter explains how Kornelis and his family undergo changes similar to what is experienced by them.

They are convinced that God has provided salvation to the Gentiles, Peter's sermon silence all objections (ay.4-18), because what is experienced by people who believe it is the change of life in which they rejoice, sayings inspired spirit and courage in testified. (bd. 2: 4; 4:31; 8: 15-19; 10: 45-47; 19: 6). That experienced by Kornelis and his family, as well as what we experienced when we experience the love and forgiveness of God, our life changes. We believe that God has been doing everything in our lives is not what is done by ourselves or others. Therefore, let the changes of life that had endured every one of us to contribute to spreading the gospel wherever we are.

Inspiration: God can do more than what can be done by man for it is the heart of the Father, so that all people experience the love and forgiveness of God, because it be His witnesses.

Moment of Inspiration.

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