Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you: Which one is permitted on the Sabbath, to do good or to do evil, to save lives or destroy them?" (Luke 6: 9)
A year Bible reading:
Deuteronomy 1-2
Giving Meaning To The Rule - Adherents of the Sikh teachings required to continue wearing a turban on his head. However, Harman Sigh in New Zealand willing to remove his turban in order to help children who crash in front of his house. He could not stand the sight of blood dripping out of his head. Without thinking, he took off his turban to hold the blood from the boy's head until the ambulance came. Haman said, "What is on my mind at that time was how to help the child. My turban is indeed a very important and sacred, but the boy's life is also more important. I just do what I should do. Ie helping others selflessly. "His actions earned high praise in India.
Jesus' question about what should and should not do on the Sabbath shows that Jesus understood the real message behind the commandment about the Sabbath. He also can read the thoughts of the scribes. Jesus threw vitriol for the scribes wanted to show piety to God with piety of their own. They are trying to live godly before men, but they did not care about each other.
For Jesus, concern and a blessing to others is far more important to do than rules or traditions of religious piety. Proof of obedience and love for God is not indicated by how much religious rules that we do. If we do not love each other, everything was futile. -SYS
Religious rules are meant to encourage us to do good and be a blessing to others.
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