And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and talk about them when you sit in your house, when you're on the way, when you lie down and when you get up. (Deuteronomy 6: 7)
A year Bible reading:
numbers 32-33
Guiding Son to Knowing God - Before boarding the boat, our daughter who was not yet five years old were asked by a much larger cousin, "You can not swim? If the boat upside down how? You're going to drown. "He replied," Let it be. Later I ask the Lord to send fish like Jonah. "It was nice to hear that answer. Innocently, he connects the Bible stories he had heard before going to sleep with everyday life. That means, our little girl had a simple faith in God who is able to save. He has learned to know God.
The task of educating children in spirituality rests mainly on the shoulders of the parents and not on others. But unfortunately, not all Christian parents understood this. Not infrequently they complained about the bad behavior of their children to the servant of God or a Sunday school teacher, as if the managers of the church who was negligent and should be held accountable. Are not the children grow in the supervision and our own homes? That means there are many opportunities in our daily life to introduce God to them. Call it: pray before meals, tells the story of the Bible before going to bed, asking for God's help when sick, rebuke when there are lies, sing hymns, and so forth.
If for the purposes of our physical make every effort inadequate, why not for spiritual things? Let's strive diligently to instill the true faith to our children. Because it is an obligation, not an option. -NNK
The best gift parents to children are guided to know God.
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