Willing To Lend A Hand

He who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how could He not give us all things with him? (Romans 8:32)

One Year Bible Reading:
Mark 6-7

As a father, I taught both my daughter accountable for their actions. One time, my youngest daughter, Kei accidentally break the glasses. I made an exception. New Kei age four years. I could not ask for Kei is responsible. I'm the who providing myself hands down, clean the glass shards. I don't want to hurt Kei.

Heavenly Father also taught we are responsible for our deeds. And, he knows, there are times when we are his children unable to take responsibility for what we have done. For things like this, we don't need to worry. God is a loving and understanding the circumstances we are certainly willing to lend a hand. He's going to help us overcome our limitations and powerlessness.

But, what if the problem was a result of sin and disobedience we? Whether your father in heaven is still willing to lend a hand? At a glance, we deserve is not helped. But how could the father who did not spare his own son, but delivered him up for us all (v. 32), raise your hand over our lives? He said, "nothing can separate us from the love of the father" (v. 39).

Whatever the problems and struggles we face, though it happened due to our sin and disobedience, the heavenly father is willing to lend a hand. Of course, that does not mean we are abusing the kindness of the father that and can live carelessly. Let the father also taught us to be wise, so that we avoid a disaster. OKS


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