will one day each work will be plainly seen. For the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed with fire, and how the work of each person will be tested by fire. (1 Corinthians 3:13)
Looking For The Best - A few months ago I had the opportunity to visit an island in the Moluccas are loaded with fish results. Morning, afternoon, evening we saw a wide variety of fish dishes are served. At other times we also had a chance to visit the place of the catch and pay attention to the behavior of gulls looking for fish in the area. If we consider the behavior of gulls flying low and very close to sea level. The occasional seagull dive to look for fresh fish. Gulls never want to wait a dead fish dragged to shore. Fresh fish members more energy for him to be able to fly higher. Such as seagulls businesses that want to get a new fresh fish and similarly if we pay attention to the lives of people worldwide success. They have a thing in common, namely, proactive and never wait for a chance to live up to them. Instead, they are aggressively seeking even create opportunities in his life. Since 1962, Nelson Mandela was arrested and was hired on the island Robin in Africa, he was only released in 1990, but while in prison he never ceasing to communicate and work to build his dream see a better South Africa as it is today. His efforts were not in vain, in 1994 he was elected President of South Africa and at the same time political abolish Apartheid highly discriminatory. He served for five years up to 1999. If we look at South Africa today, it is a dream come true.
Motivation: Do not just do things that are easy and delicious, let us learn to look for the best, although it through something difficult and full of challenges.
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