
Reading: John 14: 12-18
I will ask the Father, and he will give one another Helper, that He is with you forever. (John 14:16)

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Reading year: Daniel 7-9
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Forever? - You liked the song "Your word As Dawn"? The song was beautifully illustrates the promise of God as the dawn that never stops shining, love him like a river flowing. The question is, how much in fact we believe His promise?

Consider, for example, the promise in this passage: that the Holy Spirit will be with us forever (v. 16). Forever? Yes. Father conferred the Holy Spirit as our Helper permanently. Will never be taken again. There will not be canceled. Endless. Without pause. Under any circumstances. Persisted even dawn stops shining. Remains timeless despite the rivers no longer flow.

The problem is, we often limit God's promise with the terms of the homemade. We consider the Holy Spirit will leave us when we are disobedient and rebellious. The Holy Spirit is not with us anymore if we carry out the desires of sin and lust meat. The Holy Spirit will let us alone if we are not faithful to the death.

The question is: If the Holy Spirit away from us when we disobey, who will lead us to repent and turn away from the insurgency? If the Holy Spirit away from us when we sin, who is going to educate us to leave sin and live in truth? If the Holy Spirit let us alone, meaning he was unfaithful. By doing so, we would not even humble promise and character of God?

So, once again, how much we believe His promise? -ARS

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