Deadly Greed

Reading: 1 Timothy 6: 6-10
Therefore, turn off the earthly you everything ... greed that is idolatry. (Colossians 3: 5)

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Reading a year: Ezekiel 43-45
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Deady Greed - Greed is like a disease outbreak. With easy plunder the property of others, easily eating friends of friends, or anyone willing to break the brotherhood because scramble heritage. Human difficult to control the desire to possess what is not rightfully his. Human desires are unlimited, making the nature of unbridled greed. Due to greed, not a few people who have to deal with law enforcement and inhabit the hotel without cost.

God's word reminds that the root of all evil is the love of money. Not satisfied with the lawful income, when there is a chance, someone changed so greedy. In fact, there are justifying themselves on the pretext that the results of "work" is used to help orphans, building schools, and even churches. Noble cause tarnished by the false perspective.

Basically God does not forbid a person has wealth, and also does not recommend his people live in poverty. The harm is greedy attitude in gaining wealth. Orientation life is only intended to satisfy the carnal desires, that's wrong. God wants, when we believed get many blessings, there is a responsibility to manage and distribute thanks to it the right way and in the sight of God. When we know how to properly channel the blessing, the wealth that God has entrusted us use to glory Nya.-JB

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