Readings: Philippians 1:27-30
Because to you is given not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for him (Philippians 1:29)
Readings a year:: Matthew 12
Risky But Noble - Being a volunteer is not no risk. Especially in a time of disaster or in the middle of a riot. Noble intentions wants to help others to follow with courage and sincerity. That's experienced by Olesya Zhukovska when survivors of the riot demonstrations in Kiev, Ukranian, in February 2014. While volunteering, he himself even got hit by a mysterious shooter. Lucky, his life still survives.
With great patience and high spirits, the Apostle Paul preach the Gospel of the redemption of Christ. He goes from city to city, from country moved to other countries. Travel is dangerous and difficult. Sometimes Paul had to walk for hundreds of miles, at other times he also crossed the ocean. Faced with beasts, also a fierce ocean waves. He also often have to deal with heinous slander that led to the persecution and imprisonment of the bearer of the Gospel of Christ (2 COR. 11:23-27). However, the difficulty for the sake of the difficulty was not turned his passion for winning souls for Christ.
Paul confessed that the abundant power-affluent it is not from himself, but of Jesus Christ who has saved his life (2 COR. 4:7). Then, is an honor if Christ is acceptable to wear them as witnesses of Christ, so many souls can obtain salvation from Christ.
How your response and I bailed after Christ? Are we willing to work willingly for the sake of being a witness for him? — SST
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